Can You Compost Whole Eggs?

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In Brief: Can You Compost Whole Eggs?

You can compost eggs, but only if you follow the proper procedures. All organic substances, including eggs, decompose over time. Compost repurposes all of those unwanted scraps of organic waste material. In your compost container, you can put raw eggs.

This ultimate guide will take you through simple steps and precautions to take care of composting whole eggs.

Let’s get started!!

Can You Compost Whole Eggs?

Eggshells are a good source of calcium and magnesium, which are essential for soil health. Yes, you can rinse, dry, and crush eggshells to compost them. However whole raw or cooked eggs should be avoided in most backyard compost bins.

Adding them could attract bugs and rats, as well as make your house smell like rotten eggs. You can add eggs to specific compost bins, such as a bokashi bin or a managed hot compost bin.

You must, however, keep your compost bin’s carbon to nitrogen ratio balanced. Autumn leaves, cardboard, and sawdust are examples of brown, high-carbon biodegradable substances that are usually dry.

How To Compost Whole Eggs With Ease?

If your compost pile is large enough and has a lid, you may try adding one or two raw eggs, which is not normally recommended because it may generate a huge odor and attract pests (to keep out pests and keep smells in).

The key is to keep things in check!

Dig the hole in the center – Because the middle of the pile is heated enough, they will compost quickly. It will also ensure that the odors are not overpowering for you and, as a result, will not attract many pests.

Break the eggs – If you have a tumbling compost bin, tumble it a few times after adding the eggs to ensure that they are dispersed equally throughout the compost.

Turn your compost bin every day if possible, regardless of the sort of compost bin you have, to help it break down more quickly. You don’t want to put entire eggs in because when they crack, they create a sulfuric odor.

Turning the Compost – The faster materials disintegrate in your compost bin, the less appealing they are to animal pests, and the sooner you can utilize the compost in your garden.

Another reason to flip the composter is that eggs are quite strong and should not be allowed to collect in one tiny region.

Adding hydrated lime – Add some hydrated white lime to the composter to neutralize the acids and promote full decomposition. White lime also deters nosy rodents and flies while speeding up the rotting process.

Can You Compost Cooked Eggs?

Cooked eggs can be composted in the same way as raw eggs can. To begin, when you say “cooked eggs,” you’re usually talking to eggs that have been cooked in cooking oil. Cooking oil and other fats have the ability to slow down the breakdown of organic matter.

Second, any cooked food has the potential to attract mice, rodents, and other pests that will do whatever to get into your compost bin. As a result, lay the eggs in the composting pile’s middle to ensure that they decompose swiftly.

Cooked eggs may also cause an anaerobic reaction when composted. Anaerobic bacteria, which are the archenemy of a regular, aerobic compost pile, can be produced by meats and fried eggs.

These bacteria will obstruct the composting process and produce odour and acidity issues.

Can You Compost Scrambled Eggs?

Yes, you certainly can. Scrambled eggs can be composted since anything that can be eaten can be composted. Butter, as well as other ingredients such as milk, water, cream, and even grated cheese, are used to make scrambled eggs.

All of these components are biodegradable on their own and in combination.

However, due of the obvious bug concerns, extreme caution is urged. Animal items, such as dairy and scrambled eggs, also have microbial issues. They could be infected with Salmonella or E. coli, both of which can make you sick.

To avoid such destructions, they should be kept contained at all times. The items also emit a terrible stench that is hazardous to both humans and the environment.

Can You Compost Egg Yolks?

Egg yolks can be composted in the same manner as egg whites or the complete raw egg can. Some people choose to eat only the egg whites, leaving the yolks to be thrown away.

Place the egg yolks in the center of the composting bin so that they can disintegrate quickly. They generate terrible scents as they decay, which attract vermin, pests, and rats.

Because the egg yolks are hidden in the middle of the pile, less odor is released, and so fewer of these nosy critters will enter. Raccoons and other pests will dig up everything to get to them if they are buried directly in the soil without being composted.

As a result, if you have any extra egg yolks that are likely to go bad, simply compost them. Egg whites are composted in the same way as egg yolks are.

Can You Compost Hard Boiled Eggs?

Yes, hard-boiled eggs can be added to your compost pile. The majority of those who oppose this claim that hard-boiled eggs, like other meats, dairy products, and entire eggs, would attract rats and produce aromas as they decay.

Despite the fact that they are correct, this can be mitigated. You can mix the eggs and eggshells together. They will disintegrate in the same way, but will be less odourless. Few rodents or pests will be attracted if the odours are removed.

Bury the hard-boiled eggs, this time without shells, in the centre of the pile to accomplish the same effect. Hard-boiled eggshells can be composted, and the water from hard-boiled eggs is beneficial to plants.

How Long Does It Take For Eggs To Compost?

It’s difficult to give a precise answer as to how long eggs take to disintegrate. Eggs may take a long time to decompose on their own, maybe due to the fact that they are uncooked food. The process may take a short time if the eggs were cooked, scrambled, or boiled. When eggshells are composted in a container or tumbler, it can take up to four weeks for them to disintegrate.

As a result, it’s difficult to say how long eggshells will take to compost, but based on the three-year study, it appears that eggshells disintegrate extremely slowly, if at all.


Can I compost egg cartons?

Egg cartons made of cardboard, like other types of cardboard, can be recycled. They decompose swiftly and contribute to the creation of rich fertilizer for your garden.

Can you put raw eggshells in compost?

Yes, Eggshells are a good source of calcium and magnesium, both of which are essential for soil health. Yes, you can rinse, dry, and crush eggshells to compost them.

Final Words

We hope this guide helped you know everything about composting whole eggs of different kinds and the best conditions for better decomposition.

If you have any queries regarding composting whole eggs, please write them down in the comments. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any other tips to add to our guide to make it even more informative!

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