North Dakota: Plant Hardiness Zones, Climate & Soil Conditions

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North Dakota is a state located in the Midwestern region of the United States. The state’s nickname is “The Peace Garden State.”

The agricultural sector is a vital part of North Dakota’s economy.

In terms of production value, North Dakota is a major producer of wheat, soybeans, corn, potatoes, canola, dry beans & sugar beets.

The state is also a leading producer of honey, oats, flaxseed, and sunflowers.

Plant Hardiness Zone Map

Let us first study the US Plant Hardiness Zone map of the state.

Plant Hardiness Zone Map for North Dakota


North Dakota has a humid continental climate in its eastern half and a semi-arid type in the western half. 

North Dakota’s average annual temperature ranges from 37° F in the northern part of the state to 43° F in the south.

January is the coldest month while July is the warmest in the state.


Annual precipitation ranges from 13 to 20 inches a year.

The average increases from west to east, with the southeast receiving the highest average precipitation. Snowfall averages to about 55 inches in the state annually.

Soil Type: The map showing the ecoregions of North Dakota is as follows:-

Let us elaborate on this map in brief.

Soil Order Of North Dakota

Soil / Sub OrderLocationCharacteristics
Mollisols/Ustolls, Udolls, and AquollsThey are found throughout the state.1. Ustolls are the more or less freely drained Mollisols of sub-humid to semiarid climates. It is prone to drought.
2. Udolls are the more or less freely drained Mollisols of humid climates.
3. Aquolls are the wet Mollisols.
Entisols/Orthents, Aquents, and FluventsOrthents and Fluvents in the Northwestern great plains, and Aquents in the northern glaciated plains1. Orthents are found on the recent erosional surface.
2. Fluvents are the more or less freely drained Entisols that formed in recent water-deposited sediments
3. Aquents are the wet Entisols
Alfisols/UstalfsIn a small part of northwestern great plains1. Ustalfs have a ustic soil moisture regime.
Vertisols/AquertsIn the Lake Agassiz Plain1. Aquerts are wet clayey soils. They have aquic conditions at or near the soil surface for extended periods during the year but also are dry enough in normal years for cracks to open during some periods.

Best Fruits / Veggies to Grow in the State

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