Delaware: Plant Hardiness Zones, Climate & Soil Conditions

Our experienced writers spend hours deep researching, considering both scientific and experimental info to bring the insights you can trust.  

Delaware is a small state with a rich agricultural history.

Corn has been the top crop for many years, but watermelons have recently become the leading fruit crop.

Broilers are the most valuable agricultural product, followed by wheat, barley, apples, peaches, grapes, peas, and dairy.

Plant Hardiness Zones for Delaware

Before moving forward, let us explore the US Plant Hardiness Zone Map of the state.

Plant Hardiness Zone Map Of Delaware


Delaware has a humid subtropical climate with warm to hot summers and mild to cold winters. Summers are warm to hot in Delaware.

The coastal regions have unbearable heat due to the high degree of humidity than the interior. 

Temperatures of 90°F and above occur in the hot summer. Winters are between the extreme cold of the north and the mild temperatures of the south.  

Freezing temperatures occasionally occur with a few nights dipping below 0°F.


The state of Delaware receives an annual rainfall of 44-47 inches moving from north to south. The average snowfall ranges from 14 inches in the south to 18 inches in the north.

Soil Type

The map showing the ecoregions of the state is as follows:-

Ecoregions Map of Delaware

Now, let us see the soil orders of the state.

Soil Order Of Delaware

Soil / Sub OrderLocationCharacteristics
Histosols/HemistsIn the middle Atlantic coastal plain across the eastern boundary.1. Hemists are the wet Histosols in which the organic materials are moderately decomposed.
Entisols/Aquents, Arents and PsammentsIn the middle Atlantic coastal plain.1. Aquents are the wet Entisols.
2. Arents do not have diagnostic horizons because they have been deeply mixed by plowing, spading, or other methods of moving by humans.
Psamments are sandy soils.
Ultisols/Aquults and UdultsAquults in the southern part of the state while Udults mostly across the state except for the southern part.1.
Psamments are sandy soils.
2.Udults are the more or less freely drained, relatively humus-poor Ultisols that have a udic moisture regime.

Best Fruits / Veggies to Grow in the State

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