This is the complete list of tree species starting with the letter F.
This comprehensively researched guide will help you identify almost all trees whose names begin with the letter F.
Let’s get right into it.
1. False-Buckthorn, Birchleaf
Scientific Name: Frangula betulifolia
Family: Rhamnaceae
Native: South Nevada, South Utah through Arizona
Type: Deciduous
This shrub or small tree grows to 6m tall with an open crown and one or many trunks. The bark is shades of gray and brown with fissures.
When young, the twig is green to red, becoming hairless and turning gray as the tree matures.
The leaf is simple and oblong, green with a shiny upper surface, and has a hairy lower surface.
The flowers are borne in axillary clusters of 2 to 20; the sepals and petals are yellow-green and become brown as they mature during May through June.
The fruit is a round drupe that is dark purple or black, typically having three stones.
2. Feathertree
Scientific Name: Lysiloma watsonii
Family: Fabaceae
Native: Rincon mountains, southern-central Arizona
Type: Deciduous
This widely spreading tree grows from 1 to 3m tall and has alternate compound leaves with numerous leaflets on the segments.
The flower is a small white structure, borne in globose clusters from March to April.
The fruit is an oval, flattened legume having a papery outer skin.
3. Fiddlewood, Berlandier
Scientific Name: Citharexylum berlandieri
Family: Verbenaceae
Native: Southern Texas, North-east Mexico
Type: Deciduous
This crooked shrub is usually under 9m tall and has an irregularly contorted crown.
The bark is gray and smooth, while the twigs are green and become rounded and brown as they age. The leaves are opposite and oval; they are also bluntly toothed.
The upper surface is light green and hairless, and the lower surface paler.
The flowers are borne in dense spikes and are aromatic, white to cream-colored, and have 4-stamens.
The fruit is a long shiny drupe that is reddish-orange at maturity and dries to black.
4. Fig, Common
Scientific Name: Ficus carica
Family: Moraceae
Native: Asia
Type: Deciduous
The common fig is 3 to 10m tall and has many trunks with a spreading crown. The bark is gray-brown and the twigs are green and hair.
The leaves are oval or circular and have 3-5 broad lobes. The upper surface is dark or medium green, and the lower surface is paler.
The small flower is borne from May through September.
The fruit is a pear-shaped, fleshy, greenish-yellow, or reddish-brown syconium that is 3-8cm long.
5. Filbert, European
Scientific Name: Corylus avellana
Family: Betulaceae
Native: Eurasia
Type: Deciduous
This small tree or large shrub forms from 3 to 8m tall with an alternate, thin leaf that has tapered leaflets.
The flowers are catkins produced in groups of 2 to 4 from January through March.
The fruit is a round or oval nut, brown in color, produced in clusters of 1 to 4.
6. Frijolito
Scientific Name: Dermatophyllum secundiflorum
Family: Fabaceae
Native: Southern North Mexico, southern Texas, eastern Mexico
Type: Evergreen
This shrub or small tree is 1 to 10m tall and typically has several trunks and a dense crown.
The bark is darkly colored, smooth when young, and becomes fissured as the tree ages.
The twig is green when young, subsequently becoming orange-brown.
The leaf is compound, and leathery, with 7-11 leaflets and a hairy upper surface. The flower is a showy bluish-purple color and is borne in drooping terminal clusters of 5 to 15 flowers.
The fruit is a plump woody legume and red in color.
7. Falsebox
Scientific Name: Gyminda latifolia
Family: Celastraceae
Native: Western North America
Type: Evergreen
This shrub or small tree is about 8m tall and has a diameter of 15cm.
The bark is gray-brown or red-brown. The leaves are bluntly toothed, elliptic to oval.
The surfaces of the leaves are dark green, and the flower is greenish-white with four petals and sepals. The fruit is a round black or dark blue drupe.
8. Farkleberry
Scientific Name: Vaccinium arboreum
Family: Ericaceae
Native: Southeast North America
Type: Evergreen
This shrub or small tree is 8 to 14m tall with a rounded crown and a reddish-brown bark that peels in plates.
The twig is red or green and becomes hairless as it matures.
The leaf is simple and has a shiny dark green upper surface with a paler lower surface.
The flower is a white, corolla-shaped structure and produced in large numbers in clusters; it is borne in spring.
The fruit is a shiny, dry blackberry that matures in late summer to autumn.
9. Fevertree
Scientific Name: Pinckneya bracteata
Family: Rubiaceae
Native: Northern Florida
Type: Deciduous
This large shrub or small tree grows to 8m tall and has smooth, gray bark with lichens. The twig is stout and becomes reddish-brown as it matures.
It has soft hairs. The leaves are whorled and clustered near the branch tips.
They are simple, oval, elliptical, and with a green upper surface and a pale green lower surface.
The flower is greenish-yellow and has brown markings.
The single enlarged sepal is pink, yellow, or white. The fruit is a rounded brown capsule that matures in summer through autumn.
10. Fishpoison Tree, Florida
Scientific Name: Piscidia piscipula
Family: Rubiaceae
Native: Northern Florida
Type: Deciduous
This large shrub or tree grows to 15m tall and has a single, erect trunk with an ascending crown.
The bark is gray-brown, smooth at first, and becomes finely fissured as the tree .mtures.
The leaf is alternate, oval or elliptical, with a gray-green upper surface conspicuously impressed with veins.
The flower is white, lavender, pink, or purple, borne in elongated inflorescences 5-10cm long in spring.
The fruit is a light brown legume with papery wings that matures from summer to autumn.
11. Flamboyant Tree
Scientific Name: Delonix regia
Family: Fabaceae
Native: Madagascar
Type: Deciduous
The tree is 5 to 32m tall and has a single, erect trunk that is broader than it is tall.
The bark is brown and smooth, and the twig is stout and dark green.
The leaves are alternate with 10-20 pairs of leaflets. The upper surface is yellow-green, and the lower surface is paler.
The flower is flared near the apex and may be red, yellow, or white.
The flowers blossom in spring. The fruit is a long and flat legume, dark brown in color, and persists for several months.
12. Franklin Tree
Scientific Name: Franklinia alatamaha
Family: Theaceae
Native: Altamaha River
Type: Deciduous
This shrub or tree is 3-7m tall and has a smooth brown or red-brown bark and a simple oval leaf with a long, tapered base.
The upper surface is dark green, and the veins are distinct; the lower surface is paler.
The flower is white and 5-sepaled, it blooms in late summer. The fruit is a round brown capsule that matures late in autumn.
13. Fringetree
Scientific Name: Chionanthus virginicus
Family: Oleaceae
Native: Eastern U.S.
Type: Deciduous
This small deciduous tree or large shrub is 10m tall and has a diameter of 20cm.
The trunk is erect, may be single or multiple, and branches very close to the ground.
The bark is gray and becomes reddish-brown with age.
The leaves are opposite, elliptical or oval, and have a dark green, hairless upper surface with a paler lower surface.
The flowers are 4-petaled and borne in long-stalked inflorescences in spring.
The fruit is egg-shaped, dark blue to black, and matures in the mid to late summer.
14. Firs (Genus)
Scientific Name: Abies
Family: Pinaceae
Native: Northern Hemisphere
Type: Evergreen
This genus of 50 or more species, distributed through the northern hemisphere, is an important genus.
They have single-trunked trees that are evergreen. The bark is smooth and thin on trees and becomes furrowed as the tree ages.
The leaf is a simple needle, each needle persisting for five or more years. The pollen cone is pendent and borne along the length of the twigs.
The seed cone is borne on the twigs of the upper crown and falls apart on maturity.
15. Flannelbushes (Genus)
Scientific Name: Frementodendron
Family: Malvaceae
Native: California and North West Mexico
Type: Evergreen
This genus has only 3 species, spread across arid and rocky areas at low elevations.
The genus derives its name from the velvet-dense hairs on the leaves and the twigs. The twig is densely hairy at first and becomes hairless as the trees mature.
The bark is gray-brown and becomes fissured as the tree ages. The flower is solitary and large with showy yellow sepals.
The fruit is a capsule, woody on the outside, and has bristle-like hairs. The twigs are browsed by cattle and various mammals.
Bottom Line
Hopefully, this guide has helped you effectively identify trees, starting with the letter F.
Your suggestions for more species and genera are most welcome.