25 Tree Names Starting With G

Our experienced writers spend hours deep researching, considering both scientific and experimental info to bring the insights you can trust.  

This is the complete list of tree species starting with the letter G.

Let’s get right into it.

1. Geigertree

Scientific Name: Cordia sebestena

Family: Boraginaceae

Native: British Colombia, western U.S., Northwest Mexico

Type: Evergreen

This shrub or small tree grows to 9m tall with a diameter of 12cm.

The leaf is simple, and oval, and has a dark green upper surface with conspicuous lateral veins.

The flower is orange or orange-red, borne in dense clusters year-round.

The fruit is a hard, fleshy drupe.

2. Genévrier des Montagnes Rocheuses

Scientific Name: Juniperus scopulorum

Family: Cupressaceae

Native: Southern Texas, North-east Mexico

Type: Deciduous

This dioecious tree grows to 15m tall with one to many trunks up to 1m in diameter.

The bark is red to dark brown, peeling in strips. The twig is spreading and 4-sided.

The tree bears scalelike or keeled small leaves and a solitary, blue seed cone at maturity and typically has two seeds.

3. Ginkgo

Scientific Name: Ginkgo biloba

Family: Ginkgoaceae

Native: China

Type: Deciduous

This dioecious tree grows to 30m tall and has a single straight trunk up to 1m in diameter. The bark is irregularly furrowed and gray.

The twig is also gray with protruding short, woody, shoots.

The leaves are leathery, and light green, turning golden in winter.

4. Globe-flowers

Scientific Name: Cephalanthus occidentalis

Family: Rubiaceae

Native: California, southern Arizona, western Texas

Type: Deciduous

This small tree or large shrub forms from 3 to 15m tall with whorled leaves with a dark green, shiny upper surface and a paler lower surface.

The flower is borne in dense spherical heads with a hairless calyx and a creamy-white corolla. They are trumpet-shaped.

The fruit is a woody capsule with segments packed into the spherical heads.

5. Goldenbush, Parish’s

Scientific Name: Ericameria parishii

Family: Asteraceae

Native: Coastal mountain ranges of southern California

Type: Evergreen

This tree grows to 5m tall with many twigs in clusters resembling brooms.

The leaf is simple, oblong, and stalkless.

The flower has narrow heads and is golden yellow. They are borne in dense round clusters with brown midribs.

The fruit is seedlike, narrow, and silvery, topped with many brown bristles.

6. Golden Chain Tree

Scientific Name: Laburnum anagyroides

Family: Fabaceae

Native: Southern Europe

Type: Evergreen

This slender tree grows to 10m tall and has an irregular crown.

The leaf is alternate and compounded with grayish-green leaflets and a bright yellow flower borne in loose hanging clusters from May to July.

The fruit is an oblong brown legume that is lightly hairy.

7. Goldenrain Tree

Scientific Name: Koelreuteria paniculata

Family: Sapindaceae

Native: Eastern Asia

Type: Deciduous

This slow-growing shrub or small tree reaches 3 to 15m tall with a round crown of ascending branches and alternate, compound leaves with 9 to 19 leaflets.

The flowers are borne in terminal clusters 12-25cm long; they are white, obovate, and have a narrow tapering base.

8. Granjeno

Scientific Name: Celtis ehrenbergiana

Family: Cannabaceae

Native: Central Arizona to Southern Texas

Type: Deciduous

This deciduous, spiny shrub grows to 6m tall and has a zigzagging, thorny twig about 6 to 25mm long.

The leaf is leathery, densely hairy, oval, or elliptic, and has a pointed tip.

The flower blooms from March to May, and the fruit is a round to oval or orange drupe.

9. Graythorn

Scientific Name: Ziziphus obtusifolia

Family: Rhamnaceae

Native: Southern California to Arizona

Type: Deciduous

This deciduous shrub or small tree grows to 4m tall with a branched, irregular crown and alternate leaves produced in fascicles.

The leaf is thin or leathery and grayish-green. The flowers are small and borne in clusters with yellow-green sepals.

The fruit is a globose drupe, dark blue or black in color.

10. Greasewood

Scientific Name: Adenostoma fasciculatum

Family: Rosaceae

Native: California to Baja California

Type: Evergreen

This shrub or small tree is 1 to 4m tall with a gray to black bark.

The leaves are borne in dense dark-green clusters. The leaves are distinctly linear.

The flower is also borne in clusters with oval petals from May to June. This plant is usually found in dry ridges and slopes.

11. Guajillo

Scientific Name: Senegalia berlandieri

Family: Fabaceae

Native: Southern Texas to Northeast Mexico

Type: Deciduous

This shrub or small tree of 5m tall has curved prickles along twigs.

The leaf is compound and has 24-100 leaflets on each segment.

The plant produces numerous cream-colored flowers in a conical inflorescence. The fruit is a broad, flat legume that is tan to brown at maturity.    

12. Guayacán

Scientific Name: Guaiacum angustifolium

Family: Zygophyllaceae

Native: Southern Texas, Northern Mexico

Type: Evergreen

This small-leaved shrub is extremely gnarled and grows to 7m tall.

The leaves are opposite, compound, and bears leaflets in pairs of 4 to 8.

The flower is scented and borne solitarily or in clusters.

The petals are blue to violet and the flowers bloom in March through September. The fruit is a leathery capsule.

13. Galba

Scientific Name: Calophyllum antillanum

Family: Clusiaceae

Native: West Indies

Type: Evergreen

This evergreen tree is 12m tall and 75cm in diameter.

The bark is dark gray to black and deeply furrowed. The leaves are simple, stiff, and oval with a dark-green upper surface.

The flower is white and fragrant, and the fruit is a round yellowish-brown drupe.

14. Gallberry, Large

Scientific Name: Ilex coriacea

Family: Aquifoliace

Native: Southeastern Coastal plains of North America

Type: Evergreen

This shrub grows to 7m tall with a 5cm diameter. The bark is dark gray, and the twig is brown and has hairs when young, becoming gray as the tree matures.

The leaves are simple and leathery with a dark green and lustrous upper surface.

The flowers are 5 or 9-petaled and creamy white in color. The fruit is a round drupe.

15. Georgiaplume

Scientific Name: Elliottia racemosa

Family: Ericaceae

Native: Georgia

Type: Deciduous

This shrub or small tree grows from 2 to 12m tall and has a diameter of 5 to 20 cm.

The bark is gray and furrowed, and the twig is green or orange-brown.

The leaf is simple and has a dark green upper surface. The flower is white and produced in showy terminal clusters. The fruit is a brown capsule.

16. Gooseberry Tree, Tahitian

Scientific Name: Phyllanthus acidu

Family: Euphorbiaceae:

Native: Brazil

Type: Deciduous

This tree is 8 to 10m tall and about 15cm in diameter.

The leaf is simple and borne on a pinkish twig. The upper surface is green, and the lower surface is paler.

The flower is green with tinges of white, yellow, and red.

The fruit is a fleshy capsule that resembles a drupe.

17. Gopherwood

Scientific Name: Torreya taxifolia

Family: Taxaceae

Native: Southwest Georgia

Type: Evergreen

This tree is an ornamental species growing to 18m tall with a diameter of 80 cm.

The leaf is needlelike, very sharply pointed, and emits an odor when crushed.

The pollen cone is pale yellow, and the seed cone is a dark green structure that occurs in pairs.

18. Grandsie-Gray-Beard

Scientific Name: Chionanthus virginicus

Family: Oleaceae

Native: Eastern U.S.

Type: Deciduous

This small deciduous tree or large shrub is 10m tall and has a diameter of 20cm.

The leaves are opposite, elliptical or oval, and have a dark green, hairless upper surface with a paler lower surface.

The flowers are 4-petaled and borne in long-stalked inflorescences in spring. The fruit is egg-shaped, dark blue to black, and matures in mid to late summer.

19. Graytwig

Scientific Name: Schoepfia chrysophylloides

Family: Schoepfiaceae

Native: South Florida

Type: Evergreen

This shrub or small tree grows to 10m tall and has a crooked crown.

The leaves are simple, thick, and leathery with a dull green upper surface.

The flowers are red or orange and sweetly scented. The fruit is an egg-shaped drupe red to black in color.

20. Greenheart

Scientific Name: Colubrina arborescens

Family: Rhamnaceae

Native: Florida

Type: Evergreen

This shrub or small tree is around 8m tall and has a gray or brown bark.

The leaf is simple, leathery, ovate, and has a dark green lustrous upper surface with a paler lower surface.

The flowers are small and greenish-yellow, and the fruit is a purple to black drupe.

21. Gregorywood

Scientific Name: Bucida buceras

Family: Combretaceae

Native: West Indies

Type: Evergreen

This tree grows to about 25m tall and has a broad crown with leaves densely crowded at the tips of shoots.

The flower is greenish-white without petals and appears in clustered dangling spikes.

The fruit is egg-shaped and leathery.

22. Groundsel Tree

Scientific Name: Baccharis halimifolia

Family: Asteraceae

Native: coastal eastern North America

Type: Deciduous

This small tree grows to 4m tall with multiple trunks.

The leaves are grayish-green, dotted with glands.

The tree bears flowers, male ones yellow and female white with cotton-like bristles for seed distribution.

23. Gumbo Limbo

Scientific Name: Bursera simaruba

Family: Burseraceae

Native: Southern Peninsular Florida

Type: Semideciduous

This tree grows to 20m tall with a diameter of 1m.

The leaf is compounded with 3 to 9 asymmetric leaflets.

The flower is creamy white or greenish, with 3 to 5 petals in axillary clusters.

The fruit is a one-seeded drupe, elliptical in shape.

24. Guavas (Genus)

Scientific Name: Psidium

Family: Myrtaceae

Native: Tropical America

Type: Evergreen

This genus has around 150 species that are distributed across tropical America.

They are usually shrubs or small trees with simple leaves and white flowers.

The fruit is a rounded or pear-shaped berry with many hard coated seeds.

25. Gum Trees (Genus)

Scientific Name: Eucalyptus

Family: Myrtaceae

Native: Australia

Type: Evergreen

This genus of 450 to 500 trees is native to Australia, with a few species occurring in Malaysia.

The species have a distinct bark that is hard, dark, and furrowed. The leaf blades are simple and leathery.

The flower is small but conspicuous and may be borne singularly or in clusters.

Bottom Line

I hope this guide has helped you to identify trees, starting with the letter G.

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