This is the ultimate resource of Tree Names starting with the letter U.
So let’s dive right into it.
1. Umbrella Tree
Scientific Name: Magnolia tripetala
Family: Magnoliaceae
Native: Eastern North America; rich woods, ravine slopes, margins of a mountain stream
Type: Deciduous
Umbrella Tree is an erect or ascending, single trunk, crown with numerous stout trees with contorted branches that often turn upward near the tip.
Its bark is smooth and light gray with stout, brittle, green, and light brown twigs.
Its leaves are often crowded, appearing whorled, simple, obovate, oblong, or oblanceolate. They are usually most comprehensive toward the tip, tapering to an elongated base, margins entire with upper surface dark green, hairless, and lower surface paler.
It has smaller, greenish, reflexed, sepal-like, creamy white flowers.
Its fruit is conelike, an aggregate of follicles, slender, oblong, with a pink or reddish covering that matures in late summer.
Suggested Video: How to propagate Umbrella Tree-
2. Uña de Gato
Scientific Name: Senegalia wrightii
Family: Fabaceae
Native: Western North America; brushy slopes and flats
Type: Evergreen
Uña de Gato consists of a bipinnate, with 2–4 primary segments, oblong leaflets, and a stalked gland present between the lower pair of segments.
It has many 2-6 cm long, in cream-yellow spiked flowers.
Its fruit is a legume, reddish, flattened, stiffly papery, more or less constricted between the seeds, and usually not twisting at maturity.
It is a liana, deriving its name from hook-like thorns that resemble a cat’s claws in Spanish because of its claw-shaped thorns.
The plant root bark is used in herbalism for a variety of ailments and is sold as a dietary supplement.
Today, it is promoted as a dietary supplement for a variety of health conditions, including viral infections (such as herpes, human papillomavirus, and HIV), Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, arthritis, diverticulitis, peptic ulcers, colitis, gastritis, hemorrhoids, parasites, and leaky bowel syndrome.
3. Ulmus
Scientific Name: Ulmus americana
Family: Ulmaceae
Native: Eastern North America
Type: Deciduous
Ulmus have alternate, simple, prominently pinnately veined leaves arranged in 2 ranks along the branchlets.
Its twigs are slender, often somewhat zigzag, and have around pith in crosssection. Its leaf scars are semicircular, somewhat raised, and usually have three conspicuous bundle scars with no terminal bud.
Its lateral buds are of medium size and have several scales arranged in 2 vertical series or ranks, and have conspicuously large flower buds.
Its flowers are perfect, containing both stamens and pistils, and are borne in clusters along with the twigs of the previous season.
They are chiefly pollinated by the wind and have commonly mature fruit, central seed cavity, containing one seed surrounded by thin, membranous
papery wings.
Suggested Video: Identifying Ulmus Tree-
4. Upas Tree
Scientific Name: Antiaris toxicaria
Family: Moraceae
Native: Southeastern Asia
Type: Semi-Evergreen
Upas Tree is a large tree, growing up to 25-40 m tall, with a trunk up to 40 cm diameter, often buttressed at the base, with pale grey bark.
The leaves are elliptic to obovate, 7-19 cm long and 3-6 cm broad, tip obtusely long-pointed. Male flowers are greenish-yellow in stalked axillary spikes.
Female flowers are solitary in leaf axils. The fruit is a red or purple drupe 2 cm in diameter.
This soft, edible fruit is dispersed by birds, bats, possums, monkeys, deer, antelopes, and humans. The tree proliferates and attains maturity within 20 years.
Upas Tree is found throughout the Paleotropics. In the Western Ghats, it is found in South and Central Sahyadris.
5. Ulmaceae (Family)
Native: Distributed throughout Northern Hemisphere
Type: Both Evergreen and Deciduous
The Ulmaceae family includes about 6 genera and 40 species of shrubs and trees.
Previously perceived, the family included several genera now placed in Cannabaceae as circumscribed, the family consists of 3 genera and 12 species in the East, seven natives.
Its leaves are alternate, mostly in 2 rows, simple, margins toothed or entire and the leaf base is often asymmetric.
Its venation is prominent, consisting of a single midrib with prominent parallel lateral veins that sometimes fork near the leaf margin and have tiny and wind-pollinated, sepals united flowers with stamens opposite to the sepals, equaling them in number.
It has samara or drupe as its fruit.
Suggested Video: Exploring Ulmaceae family-
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