11 Tree Names Starting With J

Our experienced writers spend hours deep researching, considering both scientific and experimental info to bring the insights you can trust.  

This is a detailed resource of Tree Names starting with the letter J.

1. Jopoy, BerlanDier

Scientific Name: Esenbeckia berlandieri

Family: Rutaceae

Native: Western North America; s. Tex to c. Mexico

Type: Semi-Evergreen

Jopoy, BerlanDier is a small tree to 9 m tall with alternate, lemon-scented, shiny, dark-green three leaflets and numerous cream-white to greenish-white flowers.

Its fruit is a 5-lobed woody capsule and its seeds are elastically ejected.

2. Joshua Tree

Scientific Name: Yucca brevifolia

Family: Asparagaceae

Native: Arid mesas and slopes, largely confined to the Mojave Desert of South Calif, South West Utah, and West Ariz.

Type: Evergreen

Joshua Tree is a small, thick-trunked tree with branches extending outward in all directions.

Its longer branches hang down in clusters, and their ends are stiff, sharp, and pointed, with a dark or bluish-green hue.

Its flowers are ellipsoid, densely packed in ovoid panicle-like clusters, and have ellipsoid berries.

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3. Jujube, Common

Scientific Name: Ziziphus jujuba

Family: Rhamnaceae

Native: North and Central Texas and Eastward

Type: Deciduous

Jujube, Common is crown greenish, usually drooping. twig Usually zigzag, thornless, but often bearing paired spines, needlelike with flowers in small clusters in the leaf axils.

Its fruit is round, juicy red, or purplish-red drupe.

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4. Joewood

Scientific Name: Jacquinia keyensis

Family: Primulaceae

Native: West Indies

Type: Deciduous

Joewood is a long-lived shrub or small tree that produces numerous short, rigid branches, giving the plant a compact rounded crown and a distinctive appearance.

Its leaves are yellow-green, stiff, shiny, leathery and its flower is white or ivory-colored, with green calyx, and rounded lobes.

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5. Judas Tree

Scientific Name: Cercis siliquastrum

Family: Fabaceae

Native: Southern Europe and Western Asia

Type: Deciduous

Judas Tree is a small tree up to 12 m with deep pink flowers in spring, and they display a blossom with five free petals and fused sepals.

These are cordate with a blunt apex, which occasionally has a shallow notch at the tip.

It produces long flat pods that hang vertically.

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6. Jacaranda Mimosifolia

Family: Bignoniaceae

Native: South-Central South America

Type: Semi-Evergreen

Jacaranda Minosifolia grows to a height of up to 20 m with thin, grey-brown barks with smooth, fine scales.

Its twigs are slender and slightly zigzag, and they are a light reddish-brown with long grouped flowers, followed by woody seed pods.

Suggested Video: Growing guide for Jacaranda Mimosifolia-

7. Japanese Cryptomeria

Family: Cupressaceae

Native: Forestry plantations in Japan, China, and the Azores islands

Type: Evergreen

Japanese Cryptomeria is a medium evergreen tree that reaches 50-70 feet tall with a conical to pyramidal shape and is resistant to damage with slight salt tolerance.

Its reddish exfoliating bark is quite attractive, and the leaves are saber-shaped, turning into an inwards branch.

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8. Juniper (Genus)

Family: Cupressaceae

Native: Northern Hemisphere from the Arctic, South to tropical Africa, Western, Central, and Southern Asia

Type: Evergreen

The Juniper genus is composed of 52 species of low-growing shrubs. Their long, trailing branches are covered in needle-like scale-like leaves.

These leaves give way to the distinctive, fleshy, berry-like structures that form when the fruit-like scales fuse together. The seeds of Junipers have hard shells.

They can be red-brown or orange, mostly blue.

Suggested Video: Facts about Juniper Tree species-

9. Juglandaceae (Family)

Native: Eurasia and the Western Hemisphere, in North America

Type: Semi-Evergreen

Juglandaceae contains nine genera and over 60 species of walnuts with aromatic, alternate, pinnately compound, usually with terminal leaflets and tiny, unisexual flowers.

Its fruit resembles a drupe, the husk, and its large seed or kernel is oily and often edible.

10. Juglans (Genus)

Family: Juglandaceae

Native: Eastern Noth America

Type: Deciduous

Juglans are trees with alternate, pinnately compound leaves with lateral buds, which are commonly superposed.

Its flowers are conspicuous, and the fruits are sweet meated

nuts with bony shells which are wrinkled or deeply sculptured on the outside, enclosed in a semi-fleshy, non-splitting husk.

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11. Jujubes (Genus)

Family: Rhamnaceae

Native: Tropics to warm temperate regions in both hemispheres

Type:  Both evergreen and deciduous

Jujubes usually have zigzag, thorn-tipped, or thornless twigs and alternate, simple, petiolate, leaves with bisexual yellowish-green, two-celled ovary flowers.

Its fruit is a fleshy drupe with one stone.

It produces edible fruits, often dried like dates.

Suggested Video: Facts about Jujube Trees-

Hopefully, this post has assisted you in identifying some great tree names, starting with the letter J.

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