This is the ultimate resource of Tree Names starting with the letter L.
So let’s dive right into it.
1. Lancepod, Dotted
Scientific Name: Lonchocarpus punctatus
Family: Fabaceae
Native: South America
Type: Both Evergreen and Deciduous
Lancepod, Dotted is an erect, single, crown-dense, rounded, or slightly flat-topped tree with alternate, pinnate leaves.
Its flowers are bisexual, pinkish purple to white whole year-round.
It has a flattened brown legume, long, and tapered at both ends fruits.
2. Lancewood
Scientific Name: Ocotea coriacea
Family: Lauraceae
Native: Eastern North America, Hammocks
Type: Evergreen
Lancewood is an erect, single trunk, densely branched small tree with smooth, gray inner bark with slender, green twig and alternate, simple, thick, leathery leaves with wedge-shaped base and bisexual, inflorescence flowers.
Its fruit is oval or ellipsoid, dark blue to black, subtended by a persistent red or yellowish cup.
Suggested Video: All about Lancewood Trees:
3. Laurel Cherry, Carolina
Scientific Name: Prunus caroliniana
Family: Rosaceae
Native: Eastern North America, Southeastern coastal plains
Type: Evergreen
Laurel Cherry, Carolina is a crown dense, rounded, or somewhat cylindric on erect trees with dark gray and dull orange lenticels.
Its leaves are alternate, simple, elliptic, leathery, stiff, and dark green with white or creamy white flowers and firm, egg-shaped fruit.
Suggested Video: Is Laurel Cherry toxic or edible-
4. Lead Tree, White
Scientific Name: Leucaena leucocephala
Family: Fabaceae
Native: Introduced from the West Indies
Type: Both Evergreen and Deciduous
Lead Tree is an erect, single trunk, crown spreading tree with smooth and grayish-brown bark and gray-green, finely hairy twig. Its leaves are alternate, bipinnate, and have bisexual, rounded creamy-white heads.
Its fruit is a flat reddish-brown legume.
Suggested Video: Growing Lead Tree, White from the seed–
5. Leadwood
Scientific Name: Krugiodendron ferreum
Family: Rhamnaceae
Native: Subtropical, Eastern North America
Type: Evergreen
Leadwood is erect, single, crown dense, leafy, with numerous spreading branches. Its bark is brownish gray, usually ridged with opposite, simple, thick, leathery, oval leaves.
Its flowers are bisexual, yellowish-green, fragrant petals, rounded or ovoid, usually 1-seeded black drupe fruit.
Suggested Video: Learn about the Leadwood tree-
6. L’If du Canada
Scientific Name: Taxus canadensis
Family: Taxaceae
Native: Eastern North America
Type: Evergreen
L’If du Canada is a spreading shrub with reddish, very thin barks and round, ridged, orange, turning brown twigs.
Its leaves are leaf needlelike, wide, dark green to yellow-green, with a raised midrib, and have a seed cone, solitary, fleshy aril green, single seed.
7. Lilac, Common
Scientific Name: Syringa reticulata
Family: Oleaceae
Native: Introduced in Japan
Type: Deciduous
Lilac, Common is a small tree with erect, crown rounded or oval, with greenish with conspicuous tan lenticels.
Its twigs are lustrous red-brown, opposite, simple, tip-pointed, or heart-shaped.
Its flowers are bisexual, creamy, or yellowish-white with a narrowly ellipsoid leathery capsule-like fruit.
Suggested Video: How to grow beautiful lilacs-
8. Lime, Spanish
Scientific Name: Melicoccus bijugatus
Family: Sapindaceae
Native: Introduced from South America
Type: Evergreen
Lime, Spanish is an erect, single trunk, crown spreading and has smooth, gray, or grayish-white with horizontal branches.
Its leaves are opposite, broad, stalkless, ovate or elliptic, and have unisexual, greenish, cream to yellowish flowers.
Its fruit is a rounded yellowish-green drupe.
Suggested Video: Uprooting Lime, Spanish-
9. Lipstick Tree
Scientific Name: Ochrosia elliptica
Family: Apocynaceae
Native: Australia
Type: Evergreen
Lipstick Tree is erect, crown dense, symmetric, more or less ellipsoid or ovoid. It has brown, finely furrowed, smooth or slightly roughened bark with opposite, dark lustrous green, finely
parallel leaves. Its flowers are long, white, tubular, lobes slightly twisted, and have usually single-seeded, ellipsoid, lustrous, bright red waxy drupe fruit.
Suggested Video: Culture and care of the Lipstick tree-
10. Lindens (Genus)
Family: Malvaceae
Native: Northern Hemisphere
Type: Deciduous
Lindens consist of alternate, simple, ovate, asymmetric, rounded, cordate, or truncate; tip abruptly and sharply pointed with bisexual, radially symmetric, fragrant, creamy white or yellowish flowers.
Its fruit is hard ovoid or rounded nut or capsule, usually dangling and subtended by a conspicuous bract.
Suggested Video: Facts about Linden Trees-
11. Ligustrum (Genus)
Family: Oleaceae
Native: Introduced from Asia, Australia, and Europe
Type: Evergreen
Ligustrum is a genus of about 45 species with erect or ascending, crown-rounded or vase-shaped, spreading branches.
Its bark is gray or greenish-gray with opposite, simple, thick, or moderately leathery leaves.
Its flowers are bisexual, white, or creamy white, and have blue-black drupe fruit.
Suggested Video: Facts about Ligustrum Trees-
12. Larches (Genus)
Family: Pinaceae
Native: North America
Type: Deciduous
Larches are sparse trees with open crowns and two types of shoots: long shoots that elongate and form twigs; and short shoots bearing leaves and cones.
They are erect, ovoid, and initially brilliant red or violet, turning green trees with winged, tough, and leathery seeds.
Suggested Video: Identifying Larches-
13. Lidflowers (Genus)
Family: Calyptranthes
Native: Eastern North America, Hammocks
Type: Evergreen
Lidflowers is a genus of about 100 evergreen trees and shrubs with opposite, simple, usually leathery and its flowers are bisexual, calyx cuplike, forming a circular.
Its fruit is a berry with the basal part of the calyx remaining attached at maturity.
14. Lauraceae (Family)
Native: North America, North of Mexico
Type: Evergreen
Lauraceae consists of 50 genera and 2,500 species of trees and shrubs
with alternate or opposite, simple leaves and small, radial, bisexual or unisexual, yellow-green, or whitish flowers.
Its fruit is superior and develops into a one-seeded berry or drupe that is often fused to the cuplike base of the tepals.
15. Leitneriaceae (Family)
Native: Distributed sporadically in the East
Type: Deciduous
The genus Leitneria is based on the hypothesis that the wind-pollinated flowers of corkwood
evolved from flowers similar to the insect-pollinated flowers of the quassia family to retain corkwood in the family Leitneriaceae owing to a suite of unique and readily identifiable characters.
In The End..
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