This is the ultimate resource of Tree Names starting with the letter V.
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1. Varnish Leaf
Scientific Name: Dodonaea viscosa
Family: Sapindaceae
Native: Eastern North America; Hammocks
Type: Evergreen
Varnish Leaf is erect, and shrubby in pinelands with gray, shaggy, and has alternate, simple, leathery, varnished, midvein prominent leaves.
Its flowers are unisexual or bisexual, male and female, usually on separate plants that are tiny, reddish, or yellowish with absent petals and grow from autumn to spring.
Its fruit is two-winged pinkish to a yellowish papery capsule that matures from spring to summer.
Suggested Video: Observing Varnish Leaf-
2. Varnish Tree
Scientific Name: Firmiana simplex
Family: Malvaceae
Native: Introduced from subtropical China
Type: Deciduous
Varnish Tree also known as the Chinese Parasol Tree, has an erect, single slender trunk with a crown of branches mostly clustered at the top that is umbrella-like and has smooth, green, or grayish-green bark.
It has deeply palmately lobed, abruptly short, and sharp-pointed leaves which have a dark bright green upper surface with branched hairs.
Its flowers are unisexual, paniculate, inflorescence, erect, thick, column-like filament topped with a hoodlike cluster of fused anthers.
Its fruit is a cluster of five follicles attached to the follicle wall.
Suggested Video: Identification of Varnish Tree-
3. Velvetseed, Hammock
Scientific Name: Guettarda elliptica
Family: Rubiaceae
Native: Eastern North America; Subtropical hammocks
Type: Evergreen
Velvetsee, Hammock has slender arching, smooth, grayish barks, and slender, round, conspicuous whitish lenticels twigs.
Its leaves are opposite, simple, stiff, thick, papery, oval, obovate, or nearly circular with a dark green upper surface and finely hairy, smooth, lateral veins.
Its flowers are bisexual, radial, corolla white, tinged pink, flaring into four rounded or narrow crinkly lobes, and have rounded, velvety-hairy drupe, red at first, turning black fruit.
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4. Viburnum, Siebold
Scientific Name: Viburnum sieboldi
Family: Adoxaceae
Native: Introduced from Asia
Type: Deciduous
Viburnum, Siebold erect, single, or multiple trunks with crown open, rounded, with stiff, upright branches.
It has gray, checkered, and blocky twigs. Opposite, simple, narrowly elliptic, lanceolate, or oval, wedge-shaped, lustrous, dark green leaves.
Its flowers are foliage, turn reddish-purple in autumn and creamy white, produced in abundant flat-topped clusters with ovoid drupe, red at first, turning black, made in a red-stalked fruiting cluster fruit.
Suggested Video: Facts about Viburnum, Seibold-
5. Vara Dulce
Scientific Name: Eysenhardtia texana
Family: Fabaceae
Native: Western North America
Type: Deciduous
Vara Dulce is an open shrub or rarely a small tree with pinnate, blade oblong, obovate, or elliptic leaves with white, long, dense spikes flowers and has oblong, incurved, ascending legume fruit.
This kidneywood may be recognized by its dense spikes of small white pea-like flowers with petals relatively equal in size to one another and small, ascending legumes.
It is traditionally used as a diuretic and for bladder, kidney, gall bladder detoxifier, antiseptic and anti-tumor.
It has been used for coughs and colds and as a decongestant.
6. Virgilia
Scientific Name: Virgilia divaricata
Family: Fabaceae
Native: Distributed along with South Africa
Type: Evergreen
Virgilia oroboides or Tree-In-A-Hurry is a short-lived, evergreen tree that is noted for its speedy growth and a tendency to fall over as it ages.
It has deep green, fern-like, pinnate foliage and produces a terrific display of showy, pea-like, mauve/pink, fragrant flowers during warmer months that are followed by dark, leathery seed pods.
It is helpful as an ornamental feature tree, and as they have low-growing foliage also makes a good, quick-growing screen.
In earlier times, its wood was much in demand for yokes and was also used for spars, wagon-bed planks, and rafters, and it can be used for furniture.
The transparent gum that exudes from the bark was once used as a substitute for starch.
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7. Velvetseed, Guettarda (Genus)
Family: Rubiaceae
Native: Distributed mostly in tropical America and the South Pacific
Type: Evergreen
Velvetseed, Guettarda consists of a genus of 60–100 species. It has simple, petiole conspicuous, or nearly absent leaves.
Its fruit is fleshy, often velvety, rounded to ovoid, oblong, or sometimes angular drupe.
8. Verbenaceae (Family)
Native: Distributed within tropical and subtropical regions
Type: Evergreen
Verbenaceae includes about 35 genera and 1,000 species.
The family is composed of herbs, lianas, shrubs, and trees with twigs that are four-sided and square in cross-section.
Deeply lobed leaves and their flowers are borne in racemes, spikes, or heads that form a tube with five spreading lobes, nearly fused and appearing as one.
Its fruit is a drupe with two or four stones or a dry fruit that splits into two or four nutlets.
Suggested Video: Facts about the Verbenaceae family-
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