This is the ultimate resource of Tree Names starting with the letter M.
So let’s dive right into it.
- 1. Magnolia, Ashe’s
- 2. Mahogany, African
- 3. Manchineel
- 4. Mango
- 5. Mangrove, Black
- 6. Manihot, Graham’s
- 7. Maple, Amur
- 8. Maidenberry
- 9. Mastic, False
- 10. Mayhaw, Eastern
- 11. Mayten, Florida
- 12. Milkbark
- 13. Monkeypod
- 14. Mulberry, Black
- 15. Marlberries (Genus)
- 16. Myrtaceae (Family)
- 17. Malvaceae (Family)
- 18. Magnoliaceae (Family)
- Summary: List of Trees Starting with Letter M
1. Magnolia, Ashe’s
Scientific Name: Magnolia ashei
Family: Magnoliaceae
Native: Eastern North America
Type: Deciduous
Magnolia, Ashe’s is erect, single trunk, irregular crown, often contorted with smooth and gray branches and silky-hairy, bud-like large, silky-hairy twigs.
Its leaves are crowded and whorl-like arrangement, simple, obovate, and usually undulate.
It has fragrant, creamy white flowers and reveals red or orange-red seeded fruits.
Suggested Video: Identification of Magnolia, Ashe’s-
2. Mahogany, African
Scientific Name: Khaya senegalensis
Family: Meliaceae
Native: Introduced from tropical Africa
Type: Evergreen or Semideciduous
Mahogany, African, is a tree about 25 m tall with alternate or opposite, pinnately compound
blades and oblong, dark green and greenish-white leaves.
Its margins are entire but wavy and have round, thick-walled capsule fruits containing numerous thinly winged seeds.
Suggested Video: Observing Mahogany, African Tree-
3. Manchineel
Scientific Name: Hippomane mancinella
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Native: Eastern North America, Hammocks
Type: Deciduous
Manchineel has an erect, single trunk, crown broad, spreading branches with gray or brown, warty branches and its twigs are green, becoming brown.
Its leaves are alternate, simple, ovate, or elliptic, and its flowers are greenish, year-round, and have rounded yellowish-green apple-like drupe fruit.
Suggested Video: Manchineel: Most deadly tree in the world-
4. Mango
Scientific Name: Mangifera indica
Family: Anacardiaceae
Native: Introduced Eastern North America to Asia
Type: Evergreen
Mango is an erect, single-trunk crown very dense, spreading, and dark green with dark brown,
yellowish bark and alternate, unifoliolate, long-pointed tip, lustrous, dark green, hairless, petiole leaves.
Its flowers are bisexual and functionally unisexual, greenish-white, petals and large, fleshy ovoid, pear-shaped, or irregularly shaped drupe fruit
Suggested Video: Mango Tree From Seed to Fruit-
5. Mangrove, Black
Scientific Name: Avicennia germinans
Family: Acanthaceae
Native: Eastern Native America
Type: Evergreen
Mangrove, Black is an erect, single short trunk, crown-dense, rounded tree with smooth, scaly gray or dark brown barks.
Its twigs are gray or brown, finely hairy, enlarged and ringed, and have opposite, simple, thick, leathery leaves.
Its flowers are white with flat, lustrous green or gray-green asymmetrical pods.
Suggested Video: Benefits and Importance of Mangroves-
6. Manihot, Graham’s
Scientific Name: Manihot grahamii
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Native: Introduced from South America
Type: Deciduous
Manihot, Graham’s is erect, single trunk, new growth herbaceous with light brown circular lenticels and has green, hairless twigs.
Its leaves were alternate, simple, deeply palmately divided, and has yellowish-green, inflorescence-branched flowers and rounded, several-sided capsuled fruit.
7. Maple, Amur
Scientific Name: Acer ginnala
Family: Sapindaceae
Native: Introduced from East Asia
Type: Deciduous
Maple, Amur is a large shrub or small, shrubby, multistemmed tree with smooth, grayish brown, dark-streaked barks.
Its leaves are opposite, appearing simple, 3-lobed, and double-toothed, and have a dark green upper surface, lower surface paler, and hairless.
Suggested Video: Identifying Maple, Amur-
8. Maidenberry
Scientific Name: Crossopetalum rhacoma
Family: Celastraceae
Native: Eastern North America pinelands
Type: Evergreen
Maidenberry is a small, short-trunked tree with opposite, rarely alternate or whorled, simple, obovate to spatulate, bluntly toothed leaves.
It has broad petiole blades with green to red petaled flowers and round, red, or purplish-red drupe fruit.
9. Mastic, False
Scientific Name: Sideroxylon foetidissimum
Family: Sapotaceae
Native: Eastern North America, Coastal Hammocks
Type: Evergreen
Mastic, False is an erect, single stout trunk, crown rounded, dense tree with reddish-brown, scaly barks.
Its leaves are alternate, simple, elliptic, oblong, or narrowly ovate and it has bisexual, greenish-yellow, corolla yellow, or greenish-yellow, flowers.
Its fruit is ellipsoid, ovoid, or pear-shaped, bright yellow to orange-yellow berry.
Suggested Video: Facts about Mastic Trees-
10. Mayhaw, Eastern
Scientific Name: Crataegus opaca
Family: Rosaceae
Native: Eastern North America
Type: Deciduous
Mayhaw, Eastern is a gray, smooth, flaky tree with gray or dark gray, straight, stout, sharp thorned barks and alternate, simple, elliptic, long-elliptic, reddish-hairy leaves.
Its flowers are white or tinged with rose, and it has red pome, occasionally yellow fruit.
Suggested Video: Medicinal uses of Mayhaw, Eastern-
11. Mayten, Florida
Scientific Name: Maytenus phyllanthoides
Family: Celastraceae
Native: Eastern North America
Type: Evergreen
Mayten, Florida has gray or gray-brown, smooth, slender, pale gray branches and alternate, simple, thick, fleshy, and leathery twigs with oblong, elliptic, often obovate, upper and lower light green leaves.
Its flowers are bisexual, unisexual, and white and have a three-angled, egg-shaped capsule in a fleshy red aril fruit.
Suggested Video: Facts about Mayten, Florida-
12. Milkbark
Scientific Name: Drypetes diversifolia
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Native: Eastern North America, Hammocks
Type: Evergreen
Milkbark is an erect, single main trunk; the crown is rounded, and compact with milky white, smooth, or slightly roughened barks.
Its leaves are alternate, simple, stiff, elliptic, and broadly wedge-shaped
tip blunt or rounded, sometimes notched, and it has unisexual, tiny, greenish, or greenish-white flowers.
Its fruit is an egg-shaped white drupe.
13. Monkeypod
Scientific Name: Pithecellobium dulce
Family: Fabaceae
Native: Introduced from tropical America
Type: Evergreen
Monkeypod is an erect, often crooked trunk, a relatively low-branching tree with slender, drooping, zigzag, spiny twigs.
Its leaves are alternate, bipinnate, tip rounded, dull pale green, with bisexual, tiny, tubular, hairy greenish, or white-headed flowers.
Its fruit is a curved or coiled legume and has lustrous black seeds.
Suggested Video: Facts about Monkeypod-
14. Mulberry, Black
Scientific Name: Morus nigra
Family: Moraceae
Native: Introduced from Iran
Type: Deciduous
Mulberry, Black is easily confused with other mulberries but is distinguished by its hairier lower leaf surface.
Its leaves are rough and variably shaped, usually with 1 or more lobes, and its flowers are borne in greenish catkins in the leaf axils, similar to other mulberries fruit.
Suggested Video: Benefits of Mulberry, Black-
15. Marlberries (Genus)
Family: Myrsinaceae
Native: Distributed in the subtropical U.S., Mexico, the West Indies, Central, and South America, Asia, Indian Ocean islands, Pacific Islands, Australia.
Type: Evergreen
Marlberries consist of alternate, simple, hairless or with glandular dots, margins toothed, or entire.
Its flowers are bisexual, white to pink racemes, cymes, or umbels, and have single-seeded, rounded fleshy, red, white, or black drupe fruit.
16. Myrtaceae (Family)
Native: North America
Type: Evergreen
Myrtaceae usually has opposite, simple, leathery leaves, emitting a spicy or medicinal scent when crushed.
Its flowers are radial, bisexual, usually white, cream, pink, lilac, or red, with numerous stamens, and contain a fruit that is a drupe, berry, nutlike structure, or capsule, which is often woody and hard.
17. Malvaceae (Family)
Native: North America
Type: Evergreen
Malvaceae has alternate, simple, palmately veined or lobed leaves with bisexual, sometimes unisexual, radially symmetric flowers.
Its petals are usually fused at the base, and variable, most eastern fruit species produce capsules or follicles.
18. Magnoliaceae (Family)
Native: Naturalized rarely in North America
Type: Both Evergreen and Deciduous
Magnoliaceae comprises 2 genera and about 225 species of trees and large shrubs with alternate, simple, lobed leaf margins, and large, solitary, bisexual, and fleshy flowers.
They are protogynous, meaning that their stigmas are receptive to pollen only before the maturation of the anthers.
Summary: List of Trees Starting with Letter M
Hopefully, this guide has assisted you in identifying trees, starting with the letter M.
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