14 Tree Names Starting With D

Our experienced writers spend hours deep researching, considering both scientific and experimental info to bring the insights you can trust.  

This is the detailed list of tree species starting with the letter D.

1. Dagger, Spanish

Scientific Name: Yucca faxoniana

Family: Asparagaceae

Native: Western Texas to Northern Mexico

Type: Evergreen

This plant grows 7m tall with a single rosette of dense leaves. 

The trunk is about 60 cm in diameter, and the leaves are stiff and tapering, resembling a dagger in a pale blue-green color.

Its flower is bell-shaped, pendent, about 5cm long, and borne in dense clusters from March through May.

The tree’s fruit is a succulent and fleshy berry, green to tan in color, and becomes dry and spongy when mature.

2. Dewdrops, Golden

Scientific Name: Duranta erecta

Family: Verbenaceae

Native: West Indies

Type: Evergreen

Duranta is an American genus of about 30 species typically found in the tropics. This evergreen shrub, or small tree, grows up to 6 m tall.

It has a gray bark that becomes rough as the tree matures and opposite, simple, oval, or elliptic leaves that taper to a blunt point at the tip.

The upper and lower surfaces are dull green and hairless.

It’s flower is sky-blue, about 1cm in diameter, and 5-petaled, borne in an elongated cluster year-round.

The tree’s fruit is a bright yellow drupe around 1cm in diameter.

3. Dot-and-Dash Plant

Scientific Name: Karwinskia humboldtiana

Family: Rhamnaceae

Native: Dry plains, slopes, and brushes of southern Texas to central America

Type: Deciduous

This shrub or small tree aptly named the Dot-And-Dash Plant or Coyotillo, grows to a height of 8 m and has distinguishing black dots and dashes on its flowers, leaves, and twigs.

The leaves are ovate or elliptical with closely parallel lateral veins. Their blade is around 3cm long.

The yellowish and tiny flowers are borne sparsely in axillary clusters. The fruit is typically a round drupe that may be brown, black, or dark blue, around 6-8mm long.

The plant’s seed is highly toxic and causes ascending paralysis of the limbs several weeks after ingestion.

4. Dracaena, Giant

Scientific Name: Cordyline australis

Family: Asparagaceae

Native: New Zealand

Type: Evergreen

It is one of the most widely cultivated native New Zealand trees.

The New Zealand Cabbage Tree is up to 20 m tall and has stout branches with flexible and broad strap-shaped leaves.

The flowers are sweetly scented, white, and borne numerously in dense clusters. The fruit is a berry and is a bluish-white color.

This tree is planted for ornamental purposes in the northern hemisphere but is also used as a food source in New Zealand.

5. Dilly, Wild

Scientific Name: Manilkara jaimiqui

Family: Simaroubaceae

Native: Asia

Type: Deciduous

This tree is low, dense, and tolerant to salt. It is usually a shrub or a small tree.

It has a single low-branching trunk or multiple trunks forming a dense rounded, or vase-shaped crown with ascending branches.

The leaves are alternate and densely cluttered. They’re distinctly grayish-green and notched at the tip.

It’s flowers are bisexual, have hair, and have a tubular corolla.

They are light yellow and 6-7mm long in pendent axillary clusters. The fruit is a brown berry, rounded in shape and having scales on the exterior.

6. Dog-banana

Scientific Name: Asimina triloba

Family: Annonaceae

Native: East Nebraska to East New York

Type: Deciduous

This tree, also known as the common paw-paw, grows to about 14 m tall with a single straight trunk and an open crown with slender branches that spread out.

It’s bark is smooth or slightly rough, grayish brown, and has grayish-white lichens.

The leaf is large, simple, thin, and flexible, broadest toward the tip and tapering at the base.

The upper surface is green and hairless. The flower is 6-petaled, 4 to 5 cm in diameter, and a dull red color.

The tree’s fruit is an aggregate of oblong, green-yellow berries and mature in summer through early autumn.

7. Dahoon

Scientific Name: Ilex cassine

Family: Aquifoliaceae

Native: Coastal wetlands of North Carolina, Florida, southeast Texas

Type: Evergreen

This tree grows from 5 to 20 m tall and has smooth gray bark and twigs.

The leaf is simple and oblong, widest across the middle, and with a blunt tip. The upper surface is shiny and hairless.

It’s flower is greenish-white and 4-petaled, and the fruit is a red, orange, or yellow drupe. This plant is grown ornamentally for its bright red berries and shiny leaves.

The leaves of this plant have been known to contain caffeine and theobromine and are thus used in Native American stimulating drinks.

8. Deviltree

Scientific Name: Alstonia macrophylla

Family: Apocynaceae

Native: Malaysia and Asia

Type: Evergreen

This fast-growing tree is about 20m tall and has smooth gray bark and twigs.

The leaves are large and borne in whorls, the upper surface shiny green and the lower surface pale.

Tree’s flower is 5-10mm long, white, and tubular. The fruit is a narrow brown follicle borne in hanging clusters.

This tree grows in a wide variety of habitats and is often used for its strong wood, which is less prone to attacks by boring insects.

Due to its fast-growing nature, it is also used for reforestation in certain areas.

9. Devilwood

Scientific Name: Osmanthus americanus

Family: Oleaceae

Native: Southeast Coastal Plains of U.S.

Type: Evergreen

This shrub or small tree to about 15 m tall has gray or reddish bark and twigs with simple, thick, leathery, shiny, dark green leaves.

The flower is small, creamy-white, and 4-petaled.

It’s fruit is an oval or elliptical 1-seeded drupe that is dark-purple or blackish.

10. Darlingplum

Scientific Name: Reynosia septentrionalis

Family: Rhamnaceae

Native: Southern Florida

Type: Evergreen

This shrub / small tree is about 10m tall with reddish-brown bark and a slender gray twig.

The leaves are simple, stiff, and oval, and the upper surface is dark or yellowish-green.

It’s flowers are also yellowish-green, and the fruit is round or egg-shaped.

11. Devil’s-claws, Smooth

Scientific Name: Pisonia rotundata

Family: Nyctaginaceae

Native: Lower Florida Keys

Type: Deciduous

This tree is 4 to 5m tall and has a low-branching dense crown.

The leaves are simple, leathery, and stiff with a lustrous upper surface and a paler lower surface. The flower is greenish-white, tubular, or urn-shaped.

The fruit is a nutlet that matures in summer and ripens quickly.

12. Devil’s Walkingstick

Scientific Name: Aralia spinosa

Family: Araliaceae

Native: Maine south to central Florida

Type: Deciduous

This deciduous shrub or small tree is about 10m tall and has sharp, stiff prickles on its stem, branches, and leaf axes.

The leaves are a compound of numerous leaflets.

The flowers are small, white, and 5-petaled, borne in clusters. The fruit is a round black or purple drupe.

13. Douglas-firs (Genus)

Family: Pinaceae

Native: East Asia, western North America

Type: Evergreen

This genus of 7 species occurs mainly in woodlands. The Douglas Fir, Douglas Tree, Oregon Pine, and Bigcone Spruce are commonly known species.

The trees may be medium-sized to extremely large, from 20 to 100 meters tall. They have singular trunks and a reddish-brown to black bark and slender twigs.

The leaves are needle-like, and seed cones are borne on the tips of twigs and mature in one year. Douglas fir wood is frequently used in construction applications for high-load-bearing constructions.

Oregon pine is also used for building boats. This tree is also commonly sold as a Christmas tree in the United States.

14. Dogwoods (Genus)

Family: Cornaceae

Native: North America

Type: Deciduous

This genus of about 55 species occurs in temperate regions, usually having multiple trunks.

The leaves are simple and secrete stringy material when pulled apart; this phenomenon is known as the “Cornus Test”.

The flowers are 4-petaled and produced in loose clusters.

The fruit is a colorful drupe. This genus is prone to a fungal disease known as dogwood anthracnose.

Bottom Line

Learning about the diverse range of tree names can be a fascinating journey.

Whether you’re a nature lover or just interested in expanding your vocabulary, this list has something for everyone.

I hope this article has been helpful to you in discovering some new tree species and their unique characteristics.

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