This is the complete list of tree species starting with the letter N.
Let’s get right into it.
1. Nannyberry
Scientific Name: Viburnum lentago
Family: Adoxaceae
Native: Montana to Colorado
Type: Deciduous
This shrub or tree is 5 to 10m tall with a hairless twig and simple, opposite, elliptical leaves that have a lustrous upper surface and a pale lower surface with dark dots.
The flower is creamy-white and borne in clusters. The fruit is an elliptical blue-black drupe.
2. Negrito
Scientific Name: Citharexylum berlandieri
Family: Verbenaceae
Native: Southern Texas, North-east Mexico
Type: Deciduous
This crooked shrub is usually under 9m tall and has an irregularly contorted crown.
The bark is mottled-gray, smooth, and tight. The leaves are opposite and oval with a light green upper surface. The flowers are aromatic and white to cream-colored.
The fruit is a long shiny drupe.
3. Nettle-tree
Scientific Name: Celtis australis
Family: Cannabaceae
Native: Southern Europe, North Africa
Type: Deciduous
This tree grows to 25m tall with a lanceolate leaf that has sharply toothed margins.
The upper surface is smooth, and the lower surface is softly hairy.
The flowers blossom in March through April. The fruit is a purple to black drupe.
4. Nogal
Scientific Name: Juglans microcarpa
Family: Juglandaceae
Native: North Mexico
Type: Deciduous
This shrub or small tree is 10m tall with one-to-many trunks.
The bark is gray and fissured with rough ridges.
The leaves are alternate and compound with finely toothed margins.
The flowers blossom from March to April, and the fruit is a globose, smooth, and husky nut.
5. Nolina, Bigelow
Scientific Name: Nolina bigelovii
Family: Asparagaceae
Native: Southern California
Type: Evergreen
This plant has one or many trunks and grows to 1 to 2.5m tall with flat, broad, strap-shaped leaves. The leaves shred into pale brown fibers.
The flowers are produced in tall panicles, and the fruit is a capsule 8-12mm long and notched at the base and tip.
This plant is found in rocky areas and deserts.
6. Nutmeg, California
Scientific Name: Torreya californica
Family: Taxaceae
Native: Oregon and California
Type: Evergreen
This tree grows to 40m tall with a trunk up to 2m in diameter with needle-like leaves that are sharply pointed, emitting a strong odor when crushed.
The bark is gray-brown and scaly. The twig is green at first and becomes gray-brown as it matures.
The seed cone is short, elliptical, green, and has a leathery texture that covers the seed completely.
7. Nettletree
Scientific Name: Trema micrantha
Family: Cannabaceae
Native: Southern Florida and Florida Keys
Type: Evergreen
This shrub or tree grows to 12m tall with a diameter of about 13cm.
The leaf is alternate and simple, having a broadly lanceolate shape and a heart-shaped base. The bark is light brown, smooth, and has wart-like lenticels on it.
The twig is green and hairy.
The flower is greenish-yellow with 5 sepals and no petals. The fruit is a round and fleshy drupe.
8. Nightshade, Mullein
Scientific Name: Solanum erianthum
Family: Solanaceae
Native: Peninsular Florida and Southeast Texas
Type: Evergreen
This shrub or small tree grows to about 5m tall with alternate, simple, and thick leaves. The upper surface is grayish green.
The twig is densely hairy and gray with star-shaped hairs. The flowers are white and have five petals and sepals with yellow anthers.
The fruit is a round yellow berry.
9. Nut, Barbados
Scientific Name: Jatropha curcas
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Native: Tropical America
Type: Deciduous
This large shrub or small tree grows to about 6m tall and has a diameter of 16cm.
The leaves are alternate, dull green, and have impressed veins.
The bark is light brown, smooth, and warty. The flowers are yellowish-green and borne in branched clusters. The fruit is a rounded yellow capsule.
10. Nakedwood, Cuban
Scientific Name: Colubrina cubensis
Family: Rhamnaceae
Native: South Florida
Type: Evergreen
This shrub or small tree grows to 9m tall with an erect, single, trunk. The twig is slender, reddish, and hairy.
The leaves are alternate, simple, and leathery with a rounded base. The upper surface of the leaves is lustrous and medium green.
The flower is small and has 4 to 5 petals. The fruit is a round capsule-like drupe.
11. Necklacepod, Eve’s
Scientific Name: Styphnolobium affine
Family: Fabaceae
Native: Eastern Texas
Type: Deciduous
This shrub is usually 2 to 5m tall with a single, slender trunk.
The leaf is alternate and has a blade 10 to 20cm long. The bark is reddish brown and irregularly shaped, becoming scaly.
The flower is fragrant with a pink or white corolla, produced in terminal and drooping clusters. The fruit is an oblong leathery legume.
12. Neem Tree
Scientific Name: Azadirachta indica
Family: Melastomataceae
Native: Indian subcontinent
Type: Deciduous
This fast-growing tree reaches heights of 15 to 20m and has a dense, round crown. The leaves are opposite and pinnate.
The flowers are white and fragrant, produced in axillary panicles. The fruit is an olive-like drupe that is yellowish-white and fibrous.
The neem tree is known as drought-resistant and also for its medicinal properties.
Bottom Line
That’s it, I hope you discovered some new tree names starting with the letter N from the list above!
Do share this guide with your friends and family if you enjoyed it.