This is a comprehensive list of tree species starting with the letter Q.
1. Quickstick
Scientific Name: Gliricidia sepium
Family: Fabaceae
Native: Mexico, Central, and South America
Type: Deciduous
This shrub or small tree grows to 10 m tall with a diameter of about 20 cm. The trunk is erect, singular, and the tree has an irregular crown.
The bark is smooth and gray. The leaf is alternate, pinnate, and has about 7 to 15 leaflets.
The upper surface of the leaves is dull-green and the lower surface is paler and hairy.
The flower is bisexual with a white or pink corolla and borne in a raceme at the branch tips.
The fruit is a flattened, blackish legume about 10 to 15 cm long and 5 to 10 mm broad. The fruit matures in summer.
2. Quince
Scientific Name: Cydonia oblonga
Family: Rosaceae
Native: Middle East
Type: Deciduous
This shrub or small tree grows from 4 to 6 m tall with an erect trunk that may be singular or multiple. The crown is rounded with crooked and ascending branches.
The bark is blackish. The leaf is alternate, simple, and ovate.
The upper surface is dark green and the lower surface is densely hairy.
The flower is a white or pale-pink color, tinged with pink on the apex.
It has five petals and blossoms in the late spring. The fruit is a yellow, pear-shaped pome with many seeds and a hairy exterior.
The fruit matures in autumn.
3. Quinine Bush
Scientific Name: Garrya elliptica
Family: Garryaceae
Native: Central California to Western Oregon
Type: Evergreen
This plant is also known as the wavyleaf silktassel or the coast silktassel.
This is the largest and most tree-like species among the silk tassels. It grows to about 9 m tall with a round, dense crown and branches spreading in layers.
The leaf is alternate, simple, flat, and leathery, wavy along the margins.
The upper surface is hairless and lustrous while the lower surface is dark green and has a felty surface.
The flower is small and borne in drooping catkins about 5 to 16 cm long.
The fruit resembles a drupe, is globose, and is densely hairy on the outside, forming fruiting clusters around 16 cm long.
4. Queen-Anne’s Lace
Scientific Name: Anthriscus sylvestris
Family: Apiaceae
Native: Europe. Western Asia, Northwestern America
Type: Evergreen
This herbaceous plant grows to heights of up to 2 m.
The flowers are small and white, blooming in mid-spring to early summer.
The leaves are 15 to 30 cm long and are triangular.
All parts of this plant are edible except the root.
5. Queen Palm
Scientific Name: Syagrus romanzoffiana
Family: Arecaceae
Native: Western Texas to Northern Mexico
Type: Evergreen
This evergreen tree grows to about 15 m tall and has a slender trunk.
The trunk’s surface is gray and marked with faint leaf scars. The leaf resembles plumes.
The leaves are large and arching, around 5m long. They have dark green leathery segments along various planes.
The flower is small, white-colored, unisexual. It is borne tightly packed on drooping clusters on branches. The flowers bloom year-round.
The fruit is a smooth, ovoid, drupe that is orange-brown or yellow-colored in massive hanging clusters.
6. Queen’s Wreath
Scientific Name: Petrea volubilis
Family: Verbenaceae
Native: Mexico, Central America, West Indies
Type: Evergreen
This evergreen climbing plant grows to heights of 12 m but is usually smaller, to 4 m, when a shrub.
The leaves are oblong and elliptical with a wedge-shaped base and a rough surface.
The flowers are borne on bracts and the inflorescence is a raceme that may be axillary or terminal and about 8 to 20 cm long.
The flowers are an attractive blue in color making it valuable ornamentally.
The fruit is a drupe, enclosed in a calyx and appearing winged.
7. Queensland Silver Wattle
Scientific Name: Acacia podalyriifolia
Family: Fabaceae
Native: Western Texas to Northern Mexico
Type: Evergreen
This evergreen shrub is unarmed and may grow to a tree of up to 7 m tall.
The leaf appears simple, oval, or elliptic. It is straight and 2 to 4 cm long, densely covered with hairs, and has a prominent midvein that is off-center.
The flower is golden yellow and produced numerously in round heads. The flowers are borne in axillary racemes with about 4 to 8 heads in a raceme.
They bloom from November to march. The fruit is a flat legume that has wavy margins. It is pinkish gray to silvery blue in color.
8. Quercus (Genus)
Family: Asparagaceae
Native: Western Texas to Northern Mexico
Type: Evergreen
This genus consists of 450 species worldwide, with several in the Northern Hemisphere. These shrubs and trees can be evergreen or deciduous.
The bark may be scaly or furrowed. The twig has a terminal bud and several lateral buds.
The leaves are alternate, simple, and terminal, appearing whorled.
The flowers are small and inconspicuous. They are radial with 4 to 6 tepals. The fruit is an acorn.
Bottom Line
In conclusion, trees starting with the letter Q may not be the most common.
From their unique characteristics to their impressive beauty, these trees can add a touch of diversity and interest to any outdoor space.
Your suggestions for more species and genera are most welcome.
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